Darin Latimer
Darin Latimer was born in Detroit, MI and has long been obsessed with the city. He started drawing as a very small child, long before he talked, according to his mother, and he never stopped. Drawing was often the antidote to boredom or obligations. He used to skip school, returning to the city to spend whole days spelunking, book-hunting, salvage-picking, concert and club-going, but mostly just driving around with a camera. The photos were often details of architectural and natural distress patterns, jumbled topographies of sheared off brick from an adjacent demolition, fire scars on the sides of semi-collapsed buildings, scrub trees so choked with snagged plastic trash they appeared to be breathing in the wind. These images informed a drawing practice that grew out of manic and compulsive adolescent doodling, joined a growing immersion in the history of art and film and lead to his own unique visual lexicon; or, more succinctly as Latimer states, "I started making my own Distress."The resulting images, whether Paintings, Collage, Pandemic-Inspired cardboard sculptures, and more recently, digital drawings, almost entirely resolve into pictures of faces or figures, sometimes compressed in multitudes (or cityscapes), but almost never complete abstraction.
"Insect Ritual (Untouchable)" Series
krink ink blot drawings on heavy stonehenge paper
krink ink blot drawings on heavy stonehenge paper